Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018


hi my warm greetings from Edward Part I will discuss about the Laccoin project and
hopefully with this Laccoin project going forward, making success and enthusiasm for Laccoin manager.
Laccoin is a cryptocurrency backed by Ethereum that uses a mobile wallet. Individual users will have the option to exchange their cryptocurrencies and LAC tokens with each other through their mobile wallet or to spend their LAC tokens or other cryptocurrencies through their Laccoin prepaid debit card. The Laccoin wallet will be available for download through IOS or the Android market.
Another advantage of cryptocurrency over the existence of coins is the speed of transactions. Sending money to a relationship in another country through the existing banking system requires considerable time and money.
The team believes that, with the use of the Lacco ecosystem, we can provide people within the LAC region with easy access to funds.
Many of these people would not normally be reached by the current system. The Blockchain technology, which is cheaper, faster and more secure, is an excellent way to reach and include all those who participate in the region, whether within the traditional economy or the new economy of the future. The team's idea is to create a useful ecosystem for monetary transactions, which will be a viable alternative to the exotic banking system.
Why Laccoin?
  • Expensive remittance systems 
    Solution # 1. Laccoin is a simple way to send international remittances to other Laccoin card holders.
  • Reach the least banked. 
    Solution # 2. Access to current banking services and the new cryptocurrency card payment system through the use of mobile devices that will result in a more significant penetration rate than banks.
  • Inability to access loans through traditional financing mechanisms to start commercial projects or personal projects. 
    Solution # 3. Allow and train the citizens of the region to access microfinance through non-traditional means by creating a credit score through their Laccoin wallet.
  • Unbanked and unbanked do not have access to complex financial vehicles to help build wealth. 
    Solution # 4. An Index Fund that will be open only to LAC token holders. The Index Fund will have highly liquid cryptocurrencies that are managed to ensure a robust portfolio that meets the needs of the LAC ecosystem.
Wallet The LAC Wallet is the answer to the lack of fund of the mafia and other financial authorities described above. Through the use of the smartphone, users will be able to send money freely to other people and businesses throughout the Latin American and Caribbean region. In addition to debit cards, users will have the ability to pay not only their wallets or a QPR code, but also buy items at millions of acceptance points around the world and in cryptographic stores. They can use other LAC tokens with their wallets or other multiple currencies that the wallet will accept.
Debit cards
Each Lacan wallet user has the option to request a Lacco debit card that works in conjunction with the wallet. In fact, prepaid debit cards are more accessible to people in the LAC region compared to real debit cards, and the emphasis will be on debit cards.
The symbology between the wallet and the debit or credit cards of Lacco makes the user access certain block assets: ER20 supports Ethereum, Bintón (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Lantern (LTC) and Lacco (LAC) or another public book. assets that are in demand. The Laccon wallet can be financed through the bank. In addition, users who do not have access to banking and without access to banking services can load their wallets into ATM, from where they can transfer the funds to their Lacco wallet. Lacco will work correctly with Vіsa and Mastercard to provide the best options available to LAC credit card users.
LAC WALLET products
• Multi-active (any blockchain asset compatible and accepted by Laccoin Wallet) 
• Assets remain in cryptocurrency at Laccoin Wallet 
• Decentralized and trusted storage 
• Strong security features to control the physical and virtual card 
• Access to loans P2P
Details of ICO
  • ICO - PreRounds 
    Before opening ICOs to the public, we want to provide potential investors with the opportunity to meet and plan with the key investors that want to buy Laccon. The team wants to allocate funds of exclusive bonds of the companies to these investors who see the experience and have been contacted to Lacco since the official stage.
  • ICO - Publìc - Stage 1 
    Lacco will have an internal supply of 390,000,000 coins, 55% of which will be released to the public in three different stages. The first phase will have 33% of the total tokens allocated for sale to the public. Different additional bonuses will also be offered.
  • ICO - Publìc - Stage 2 
    The second stage of the ICO publication campaign will see 20% of the allocations that will be allocated to the public, of which 20% will be reserved for the allocation of bonuses.
  • ICO - Publìc - Stage 3 
    The third stage of the ICO publication campaign will see 10% of the allocations that will go to the public, while none will be delivered for the bonus discussion.
Detall Tokens
  • Description Detail: Provide banking inclusion for banks, those that do not have banking services and those that do not have access to banking services in the LAC region and the members of the LAC region abroad
  • Ticker symbol: LAC
  • Token Background: LAC token is built on Ethereum Blockchain
  • Date of sale of the token: November 1, 2018
  • Token Percentage: Available 55%
  • Project status Test beta completed successfully
  • Currencies accepted for tokens: ETH
Looking at the technology of the equation, blocking and cryptocurrencies have the power to solve the problems that have plagued the less stable members of the LAC region.
It would be naive to think that the same problems that faced the traditional trust and the deadly financing system will not be found by the cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency community.

My username: Edward Part

Senin, 06 Agustus 2018

Alphateca : 세계 최초의 암호화 시장

안녕하십니까, Alphateca 프로젝트 참여에 관심이 있으시면 귀하의 사명을 시각화하는 데 도움이되는 정보를 얻을 수 있도록 리뷰를 읽는 것이 좋습니다.
Alphateca : 각 사용자가 구매자와 판매자, 판매자 또는 cryptocurrency 지불과 같이 전세계에서 구매할 수있는 모든 종류의 제품과 서비스로 작동 할 수있는 글로벌 암호화 시장. 10 분 안에 집을 떠나지 않고 개인 지갑인지 확인하고 Alphateca에 접속하여 인기있는 컴퓨터 게임에서 태블릿, 자동차, 보트, 메이크업 음악 또는 이상한 유물을 판매 할 수있는 몇 번의 클릭 만 제공한다고 상상해보십시오. 수만 명의 사람들이 매일 광고를보고 누군가가 그것을 좋아할 것입니다. 짧은 시간에 고객을 찾고 kryptokoshelek에 지불하고 cryptomarket에서 수백 가지 범주의 제품을 몰래 구입합니다.
Alphateca의 사명은 인터넷 상거래를 새로운 차원으로 끌어 들이고 일상 생활에서 암호화 된 통화를 사용하는 것입니다.
ICO는 7 월 1 일부터 8 월까지 연장됩니다.
Alphateca의 작동 방식 :
Alphateca는 전통적인 통화에 대한 충성도와 일상 생활에서 암호 미디어 사용을 널리 알리는 글로벌 포부 등 두 가지 원칙을 기반으로합니다.
즉석 등록으로 시작합니다 : 몇 번의 클릭만으로 세계 어디에서나 물건을 사고 파는 계정을 만들 수 있습니다.
암호화 지갑이 없으면 구입 방법을 알려 드리겠습니다. Alphateca를 사용하면 누구나 쉽게 암호화 세계에 들어갈 수 있습니다.
자세한 내용은 다음 링크를 방문하십시오.
웹 사이트 : https://alphateca.com/ 
보고서 : http://ico.alphateca.com/doc/WP.docx 
트위터 : https://twitter.com/alphateca 
전보 : https://t.me/alphateca 
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Alphateca/ 
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw9BtN0urmARhXvJqKYuBiw 
내 Bitcointalk 프로필 링크: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2258790

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018

USAT - Globale und dezentrale Plattformen
Hasil gambar untuk USAT Inc

Grüße von Edward Part, ich werde eine interessante ICO-Analyse namens USAT vorstellen, basierend auf den folgenden Kriterien:

USAT ist eine globale und dezentrale Plattform, die ein kumulatives Treueprogramm für das Punktemanagement darstellt. Analyse einer großen Anzahl von Loyalitätsprogrammen aus der Verwendung verschiedener Punkte, die der Entwickler nicht mag. Dies führt zu direkten Schäden für Benutzer und erfolglose Treueprogramme und erhöht die Haftung der Unternehmen

Dezentralisierung von Innovation

Wir sind eine australische Organisation, die Blockchain-Technologie einsetzt, um Prozesse im Bereich des geistigen Eigentums zu dezentralisieren. Mit unserer Plattform finanzieren, entwickeln und vermarkten wir geistiges Eigentum, unterstützen Innovatoren und bieten sehr starke Wachstumschancen für Zertifikatsinhaber.

Empowering Innovation

Die United Scientists Association of Technology Platform ist die erste ihrer Art, die Erfinder und Innovatoren mit der Finanzierung durch Blockchain-Technologie verbindet.

Wir finanzieren und entwickeln neue tugendhafte Technologien, die von Erfindern aus der ganzen Welt auf unsere Plattform gebracht werden; Sobald wir erfolgreich sind, überwachen wir die vollständige kommerzielle Umsetzung.

Lager für geistiges Eigentum

Wenn eine neue Technologie entwickelt wird, unterstützen wir den Erfinder bei der Patentierung des innovativen Produkts und erwerben dann die Rechte an dem geistigen Eigentum und den Patenten gegen eine angemessene Gebühr.

Nach dem Erwerb werden alle Patente und Geschäftsgeheimnisse dem USAT IP Repository hinzugefügt, wo sie gespeichert und für die gemeinsame Nutzung zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Einführung des USAT-Tokens

Ein USAT-Token ist ein Token des gemeinsamen Besitzes aller gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Patente, die im IP-Repository der USAT Inc. gespeichert sind. Ein USAT-Token-Inhaber ist Teilhaber aller dieser Patente.

USAT-Token werden bei allen Transaktionen zwischen der United Scientists Association of Technology Inc. und Dritten verwendet, einschließlich IP-Akquisitionen von Erfindern und IP- oder Produktverkäufen an nicht-staatliche Käufer.

Technologie, die einen Unterschied macht

Als Non-Profit-Organisation haben wir die Vision, bahnbrechende, innovative Produkte zu entwickeln, die sich positiv auf die Entwicklungsländer und letztlich auf die Welt auswirken.

Im Mittelpunkt unserer Organisation stehen humanitäre Projekte, die unsere Technologien für die Gemeinden und Menschen einsetzen, die sie am meisten brauchen.

Verwendung der Mittel

Transparenz und Integrität stehen im Mittelpunkt der USAT Inc., da wir für alle gemeinnützigen Organisationen, die in Australien registriert sind, regelmäßige Regierungsberichterstattung durchführen müssen. Wir verpflichten uns auch, dieses Ethos mit den Teilnehmern der ICO zu pflegen. Der Gesamtbetrag der Mittel, die voraussichtlich während des Ausschüttungszeitraums anfallen, wird wie folgt aufgeteilt:

Token USAT ist als Token-kompatibler ERC20 auf der Astraleum-Plattform und Verwendung von Blocking-Technologie konzipiert. Die USAT-Zielgruppe ist weltweit eine Fluggesellschaft, ein Reisebüro, ein Marktführer und ein Online-Shop. Mit diesen Vorteilen wird USAT, das auf einer ausgeklügelten, sicheren und effektiven Blockierungstechnologie basiert, Milliarden von Dollar auf den globalen Märkten kontrollieren.


Unser Flaggschiffprojekt ist ab 2018 eine Solar-Wind Farm. Diese neue Technologie ist effizienter als jede andere derzeit verfügbare erneuerbare Energietechnologie und basiert auf zwei Patenten, die wir im IP-Repository der USAT Inc. besitzen. Die erste dieser Anlagen wird derzeit auf einem Grundstück in der Nähe von Brisbane, Australien, errichtet. 

Es eignet sich für eine breite Palette von Anwendungen, insbesondere für Situationen, in denen große Mengen an mit Kohlenstoff betriebener Elektrizität verbraucht werden, wie zum Beispiel Kryptowährungs-Bergbauanlagen oder industrielle Produktionsanlagen. In diesen Fällen sind die Verbraucher in der Lage, eine unabhängige Stromquelle zu schaffen und ihren CO2-Fußabdruck und ihre Ausgaben für Elektrizität erheblich zu reduzieren.

Eine weitere großartige Anwendung ist die Stromversorgung abgelegener Gemeinden in Entwicklungsländern. Ein weiteres nebensächliches Nebenprodukt des Solar-Windparks ist neben der hocheffizienten Stromversorgung ein Wasserkondensat, das gesammelt und für landwirtschaftliche Zwecke und zur Rasenbewässerung genutzt werden kann.

Über die folgenden Links können Sie mehr über die Plattform erfahren oder an ihrer Verkaufsmenge teilnehmen:

Alphateca is the first global encryption market

my warm welcome from Edward Part, I will discuss the ALPHATECA project, the connection from me, this big and innovative project, known as ALPHATECA. This is the first Global Crypto Market. Friends, sit down and relax when you guide them through the details of this project, the benefits it offers, and how you can become our partner / participate in this great innovation. I'm sure you won't regret reading. For more information please go down here,

We are interested in guaranteeing a successful work environment for you at Cryptomarket. That is why we have applied all the advantages of modern scientific knowledge in Alphateca, cryptomarket.
We offer a wide variety of product categories from around the world, efficient tools to manage cryptocurrencies, tutorials, intelligent support systems, the highest level of transaction security: all this is collected for you in one place. 
Our mission is to take Internet commerce to a new level and offer the opportunity to use the best cryptocurrency in your daily life
Alphateca is a global cryptomarket, where each user can act as buyer or seller, sell or buy various services or assets using cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. Imagine having only 10 minutes to create your personal wallet without leaving your home, go to Alphateca and offer tablets, cars, yachts, your composition song or rare artifacts from popular computer games to sell in just a few clicks.
Tens of thousands of people see your things every day, they will love it. In a very short period of time, you can find buyers, receive payments on the cryptoalbono and safely buy the things you need from hundreds of categories in the cryptomarket. It is not necessary to withdraw coins from all cryptographic systems: you can pay for any product or service directly from your crypto wallet. 

Cryptomarket offers you the best tools needed for transactions 
around the world 
You can buy or order anything from any country that pays for cryptocurrencies. 
All in one
A wide variety of products and services are gathered in Cryptomarket with an easy-to-use interface. You do not need to browse NET and browse websites and bookmarks again: you have Alphateca. 
Garant Service 
Suspicious with the deal? We make sure to provide security. 
Fast and cheap 
transactions Commission transactions with cryptocurrencies will appear to be inferior to those offered by any bank. 
Advanced support 
Especially for you, we have frequently asked questions, tutorials, guides, forums and, above all, direct support for users. 
Sell ​​better 
You can make an auction! And, if you know someone who might be interested, then it’s going to be great, make a private auction!
How Alphateca works Alphateca 
is based on two principles: loyalty to traditional currency and the global aspiration to spread the use of cryptocurrency in everyday life. 
It all starts with instant registration: in a few clicks you can create an account and that is how you can buy or sell anything in the world. 
If you do not have a cryptowallet, we will show you how to obtain it. It is easy for anyone to enter the world of cryptocurrency e-commerce with Alphateca. 

Technical description of the ATEC file 
General information
We present an ATEC cryptographic token based on the Ethereum platform. The ATEC file has limited emissions. This is a utility token, it can be used for settlements only in projects, but it can be moved within the website. (In addition, we do not prohibit ICO participants from transferring ATEC tokens between portfolios). Tokens can not be used outside the website. All unsold tokens will be destroyed. The token can only be used once. 
Presale and ICO
The buyer transfers the ETH through an intelligent contract and receives an ATEC token, plus a bonus based on the amount and the day of payment in exchange. So the buyer registers on the website Alphateca, choose the function of filling the balance of the personal token account and transfers the token into ATEC personally generated in his account, thereby replenishing the balance of the account inside it .

Route map 
December 1, 2017: birth of the idea 
January 15, 2018 – Platform prototype 
March 15, 2018: turns ideas into technical tasks 
April 1, 2018: gathers all team members 
May 1 of 2018 – The first alpha version of the project
May 22, 2018 – The first presentation of the team at the Expo Forum 
June 1, 2018 – Technical start of the project 
June 10, 2018 – Launch of the production version with payment service function, personal ad, moderation section and support services 
June 14, 2018 – Introduction to the store, warehouse, auction 
June 15, 2018 – Pre-sale launch, expansion in Germany, France 
July 1, 2018 – Launch of ICO, offline events to support the project , add training materials to the website 
July 2018: attract stores and buyers for projects, add applications for iOS and Android, expand the geography of the project in Austria, Italy
August 2018 – Launch of services for the exchange of tokens and ATEC services, adding videos / videos of reviews for the sale of projects, meetings, joint purchases, geographic expansion of projects in the Scandinavian countries. 
September 2018: add webinars, new advertising tools, expand the geography of the project in the United Kingdom 
October 2018 – Preparation for New Year’s sales, preparation of the event with the sale of tickets through the website, geographical expansion of the project in Japan 
November 2018 – Conducting the event, expanding the geography of the project in Turkey, India 
December 2018 – Implementation of gift certificates and corporate gift products for the new year
2019 first quarter – Introduction of new sales tools, preparation of the category “real estate / leased assets”, extension of the geography of the project in Latin America 
2019 second quarter: extends the geography of the project in China 
2019 third and fourth quarter – Adaptation of the website for possible offline purchases. 
The main objectives of the Alphateca project are: 
• Establishment of the international cryptographic market, where any person can buy / sell goods and services with cryptocurrency; 
• Development and facilitation of international electronic commerce based on cryptocurrencies;
• Creation of benefits for the participants in the Alphateca project: reduction of transaction costs towards services in real time, increase of speed, provision of new functions for users, greater improvement of security; 
• In a global sense: the adaptation of society to the digital economy, when everyone has the opportunity to use the achievement of global progress in everyday life. The development of the project will stimulate the volume of online exchanges and increase the popularity of the global cryptocurrency.
The Alphateca platform quickly gained popularity among the owners of cryptocurrencies and among users of legal currency. The crypto community continues to thrive and in the near future many areas of modern life will use cryptocurrency as a key payment and significant investment due to the accumulation of the conservative financial system. 
We believe that cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are the future of the global financial system. 

ALPHATECA is a good ICO program. 
Thinking about business is really fantastic. It attracts people regularly. 
Expert and competent cooperation is difficult to achieve. 
We can develop the ability to achieve objectives.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. For more information and details, visit one of the following links: 
Website: https://alphateca.com/
White paper: http://ico.alphateca.com/doc/WP.docx
Twitter: https: // twitter .com / alphateca
Telegram: https://t.me/alphateca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Alphateca/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw9BtN0urmARhXvJqKYuBiw

Bitcointalk Username: Edward Part

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2018


RedCab LLC è un'azienda che offre soluzioni peer-to-peer per privati ​​e aziende decentralizzando tutti i processi utilizzando la tecnologia blockchain. RedCab LLC è un'azienda all'avanguardia con un modello di business futuristico nel mondo dei trasporti. I gruppi di ricerca speciali (dagli aspetti tecnici ai modelli di business) conducono studi sulla domanda, lacune di mercato e studi sulla capacità, con particolare attenzione all'esperienza dei passeggeri e alle esigenze dei conducenti. 
La società vede un grande potenziale nel settore e un aumento della domanda in tutte le città metropolitane con una crescita industriale prevista tra il 2030 e il 285 miliardi di dollari USA.
L'obiettivo della vendita di token RedCab è trasformare il modello di business di RedCab da applicazioni centralizzate in un ecosistema decentralizzato che consentirà l'accesso ai mercati globali e ridurrà i costi di trasporto per gli utenti. Risparmiare oltre 60 miliardi di dollari USA all'anno attraverso società di brokeraggio, raccogliere fondi per lo sviluppo dell'infrastruttura RedCab e soddisfare la crescente domanda internazionale di servizi di trasporto in tutto il mondo, sviluppando solidi strumenti scalabili.
Dettagli del token
  • Token: REDC 
  • Piattaforma: Ethereum 
  • Standard: ERC20 
  • Quantità: 100.000.000 REDC 
  • Prezzo: 1 ETH = 2,333 
  • Ricevi: ETH
  • Timbro morbido: 2.143 ETH 
  • Hard cap: 24,529 ETH 
Per informazioni più complete, puoi visitare:
Sito Web: https://redcab.io/
il mio nome utente: Edward Part

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

WEIDEX децентрализованная биржа

За прошедшие годы начались криптоторговые операции, возникли некоторые проблемы, с которыми сталкивались трейдеры, поскольку большинство обменов являются централизованным обменом в том смысле, что между покупателями и продавцами всегда существует третья сторона, прежде чем любая транзакция будет обработана. Покупателю необходимо будет создать внутренний кошелек для пар, с которыми он / она будет торговать, и депонировать ETH, прежде чем устанавливать заказ на покупку актива, который он покупает на бирже. Обратное дело, как для продавца. У централизованных обменов было так много недостатков, которые никогда не были бы благоприятными для любого трейдера. Одним из этих недостатков является то, что когда централизованный обменный обмен взломал, трейдеры фонда на бирже, возможно, никогда не будут возвращены, а подобные проблемы - это проблемы централизованного обмена. Настоящим я представляю вам проект, который придумал решение упомянутых выше проблем. Несомненно, трейдеры ждали такого проекта, который в значительной степени уничтожит централизацию(WEIDEX ).


- это биржевой рынок, которому не нужно полагаться на  
стороннюю услугу для хранения активов клиента. Вместо этого сделки происходят непосредственно  
между пользователями (одноранговым путем) через автоматизированный процесс, называемый смарт-  
weiDex - полнофункциональный децентрализованный обмен (DEX). Он гарантирует
максимально возможную безопасность, полную прозрачность и логику с открытым исходным кодом. Основной причиной децентрализованного обмена является устранение третьей стороны. Weidex представила систему рефералов, чтобы быть полезной для пользователей, где вы приглашаете друга, и 20% от их биржевой торговой пошлины поступает в ваш кошелек. Только это инновация, которая является первой в своем роде. Никакой децентрализованной биржи, которая придумала эту идею в прошлом. WEIDEX разрешил несколько заказов, в которых трейдер мог бы установить заказ, чтобы выполнить столько транзакций, сколько необходимо для выполнения, в то время как вы получили бы плату за транзакцию. #WeiDex # IEO # TokenSale #startup #BountyCampaign #Investment #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Exchange #Crowdfunding

Выделение / информация токена Weidex
На этом инфографическом изображении было ясно показано распределение маркера. Ниже приведена информация о токенах.
Значок weiDex
Название токена: weiDex
Символ токена: WDX
Общий объем поставки: 50 000 000 WDX
Тип маркера: ERC-20
Точечные децималы-18
Для получения дополнительной информации и вопросов, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке URL ниже
Веб-сайт: https://www.weidex.market/
Техническая документация:https://weidex.market/images/whitepaper.pdf?v=1.0.0
Имя пользователя bitcointalk: Edward Part

Laccoin hi my warm greetings from Edward Part I will discuss about the Laccoin project and hopefully with this Laccoin project goin...